Det har ar bradan som jag kopte for 200 euro.
Det ar samma brada som den stora pa Saltis, fran 80-talet.
Perfect for vanliga dagar utan stark vind.

Seglar framfor dar vi bor, i section A.

Sailing with Brando.

Starting the 600 meters of road.
Today: MASSIVE Wasp attack!!!
Walked into a Huuuuge Wasp's nest...hundreds of them lil yella bastards after me!!!
Only got a dozen stings thanks to me wearing long pants !

returning home after sailing at Taunovo.

Some wood samples from the property. Hardwood tunnel.
A famous hardwood called "Gandi", fairly rare.

THAT is a bizarre pattern !
Never seen anything like it, should be good cut lengthwise...!
It is called "Kau theuti", we have a few on the rainforest estate.

These hardwoods are called "yasi" (Syzygium spp. mostly).
There are a couple dozen species in Fiji.

Brandon's School.

Det har ar baten som jag bestallt, nu halvfardig.

Översvämning ! nere vid marinan,
stigen som vanligtvis ar torr nu knädjupt vatten !

Brandon & Angel.

Some kind of Moray....

Collecting baby snails...

Easter egg hunt !

Here's a Voracious Gecko (Gehyra Vorax).

The Wankers are always hard at work in Pac Harbor.
Baten i slut skedet.

Mother's day special to Yanutha Island.

Tried SUPing for the first time...

En Fiji Papegoja och en Fiji Iguana.

Aquarium building with Ta'ahine and Charlotte.

The boat is ready !

Nosso barco "Carioca" no Mar (no Rio) pela primeira vez !

Os nomes alternativos eram "Xoxota" e "Piroca".
Eu queria "Piroca" e O Ricardo "Xoxota".
Brandon venceu com "Carioca".

Other names in the running were "Pura Vida", "Macumba" and "Mo' Fodao"
and the Polynesian name "Putaki Pa'ariu".

Brandon tycker mycket om sin båt !

På väg ut till havs, fortfarande på Navua floden.

Lilleman visar vägen.

Brandon cruising the Navua river for the first time.

Gostamos muito nosso barco rustico.
Ele e perfeito para um lugar tropical !

Going out for the first time for real !

To Nanuku Island. Maravilhoso ! Paraiso tropical !

The Pearl Marina under construction.

Pac Harbour SpaceShip.

Carioca with splash guards.

Carioca with boards.

Carioca with evening Sun.

Carioca hangin out.

Carioca at "Campo Carioca" (Dakunikoro) for the first time !

Ivi trees in the Sago forest.

The new marina bure is finished !

Marina Bure roof is Sago + natural materials from our own property.
The little Bure on Mt. Brando is also finished,
thanks to the great Ben 10 team ! in my absense.

Little Bure roof is traditional, Pandanus, also from the property.
2014 Nov-Dec

Brandon "graduating" from play school.

Yanutha trip.

NEW YEAR !!! at the Pearl.

And...at the Uprising.