2015 (October-December)

Sunrse at the beach house.

Sunset at the beach house.

Spot the Brando !

Marcia having fun at fashion show.
...Ela nao anda, ela desfila...
ela ta maaluuucaa fora da casiiinhaaa !!!

And back up at "Serua native species reserve", thanks to massive rainforest destruction
by the neighbor, we now have a splendid view over the northern reaches of Pacific Harbor !

Staket från vägen ner till floden, 500m genom djungeln.

A rare portrait of the powerful and all conquering
Ratu Totoka KauLevu ni Dakunikoro ni Koro Carioca.

Picnic at the marina.

Some kine Banana relative, growing wild all over the place !

A happy fun trip to Bird Island (Thacau Nisithi Island).

Bird Island indeed !

Windy days at the beach house !
My rock anchor mooring holding well.

Old geezer turned 50 !

A hash run up the shark fin, "Nggamu" (204m), the hill next door.

Panorama from atop the Shark Fin towards Pacific Harbor.

And towards the Coral Coast.

18 December in Fiji.

Fafa's last sunset...