Floating up the andes on the world's longest cablecar ride.

There's a few pitstops along the way , each one a few degrees cooler.

The highest peak in Venezuela still has some snow from last winter.
The name of the peak ?...... I thought you'd never ask !
Pico Bolivar , of course !
......and if you make it all the way up there mountain climbing you could even leave an offering to him.
There's a statue of the dude up there !

End of the ride , Pico Espejo 4765 m

Where you will be greeted by saints...

and cowboys.

And beautiful Andean scenery.

At Pico Espejo begins a one day trek to Los Nevados.

You can choose to go with a donkey if you prefer.

We walk , of course.

It ends up being a much longer stroll than we expected.

Finally...there's los Nevados in the distance.


All very colonial.

Next day we leave on a long Jeep journey back to Merida on a less than confidence inspiring road.
Our driver fortunately was of the mellower kind so we did not join the wrecks in the valley below.

Não e´ uma piada !
E uma cafeteria real ao lado da rua .