In Amsterdam...

XXX is everywhere.......

             In the streets                                        museums                               And churches !    God bless !!!
The perfectly natural, albeit poignant, explanation for this is that XXX is actually the city's official emblem ! ?

The smell of burning grass is everywhere !

Even E.T. smokes in Amsterdam.
They, to our great fortune landed here first, so they never got around to conquering the planet.

The poor tulips have to compete with...

the evil weed at the markets.

If all this just gets too upsetting, you can always cool off with
a local refreshment overlooking one of their splendid canals.

This town has more water than Venice !

Evidence for the fact that XXX is one of the finest cities in Europe is omnipresent.

A dutch trader, a reminder of the "Dutch east India company" glory days.....aaah, what a place!

The triplexers get around their quaint little town in the most fashionable cars ever seen !

...and bicycles, of course (kinda like China).

Our hostel

And so comes the moment we have to leave this overall well balanced and logically put together place for less
sensible, Corrupt & Catholic 3rd world spaghetti cultures of southern Europe.

P.S. The Nederlands does appear to suffer from the same primitive cigarette smoking culture as the rest of europe
and from the same primitive high tax culture as Scandinavia.

P.P.S There are some great T-shirts around town. My favorite reads "If Jesus comes back, We'll kill him again !"
and "I only do what the voices tell me".