Gourmet sushi by chef Jaga.

The different stages of Brandon's aquarium.

Work on the lower acres at Vila Carioca.

Planting some pineapples.

Work on the top acres.

Creating the access road from the mountain peak to Sea level.

By the felling of an unfortunately placed beautiful big tree
We can now see the golf course at River drive !!! Section "A" !

The motor sailor ketch Carioca.

Sail test was a success I would say,
sailing a beam reach at 4 knots in a 20 knot breeze
with not much drift downwind. ~10m2 of sail area. Did not seem too prone to capsizing.
One mast repaired with a piece of bamboo did compromise sail shape on the 1980s race sail ;-)
as did bad side stays. If rigged up properly it would work pretty well though.
A dagger board would be a swell idea too.

Brandon has a high fever today, 39'c.

Brandon's first day in School.

B meditating.

The Freedive company in action off Pacific Harbor.

A BlueWater Craft 28.

Made in Fiji.

The Amazing Freedive Race.

Basket weaving.

Knot tying.



And bilibili building/paddling.


FISH ON !!!! My first fish in Fiji !

A sunset catch....probably one of the giants of the seven seas....

A 7,4kg Ahi !!!!

Albeit a little one,
I am happy my old Maui gear finally sees some action again.
VERY happy today.
My first Yellow fin tuna ever!!!

A few hours later.....Seared Shashimi, Maui style !

Vy fran golf banan av var tomt,
med halet i skogen
dar huset skall vara.

Brandon checking out our NEW ride !!!

It's a 2000 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado w. 127.000km, well maintained.

Vi har nu en bla Toyota i Finland och en i Fiji och en gron i Spanien.
Vi haller troligen var Nissan Bula pick-up som arbets redskap pa Vila Carioca (tomten).

New fish.

Mo fish !!!

Two Torpedo Scads.

And one Ulua.

Locally called Salala ni Toga,
which also refers to Double lined (Spanish) mackerel.
One name for 2 fish....in Fijian.

It LOOKS Scombroidesque....

BUT the Torpedo Scads are actually closer related to the Ulua (Carangidae)(Jacks)
than to Scombroids (Spanish Mackerels). FASCINATING !!!
Both are OK eating, nothing to rave about but digestable,
the Ulua better than the Scads.

A few intriguing Marcia smart phone photos.

Sandy's birthday trip to the reefs.

B in action. We saw a SHARK !!!

B's favorite spot, especially while underway.

One of the best fishes in the World, Ehu.
Mindbogglingly good. A Tui fish.
Den har gjorde vi pa Saltis vis, som synes. Ehu ar en djuphavs Abborre
som lever pa 300m djup som smakar som en blandning av Torsk och Abborre.

Mo' work.

Another special catch with Brandon,
a grey Snapper (green Jobfish) or Uku (in Hawaii), super tasty !!!
This little guy hit a trolling lure going 7 knots! quite a spunky little fella! with a set of dog teeth!

Marcia cabelo & Brandon ???

Har satt nya custom sydda svarta overtag pa skum gummit som jag kopte i LA
och limmat pa bankarna, nu fattas bara nagra saker till...

En "Rainbow Runner" pa 1,5 kg, den var god.
Related to Jacks, carne solida, um poucinho seca.
Fortfarande 30 grader i havet, stora vagor idag fran orkanen Pam.

Det ar inte 31 grader i havet mera som det var forra veckan,
det ar nu litet kyligt, bara 30 grader.

Another day...Another Jack....this time a delicious Omilu !!!
A Bluefin Trevally.

A beauuuutiful fish !

Rush hour in Pac Harbor.

Sushi night.

Another barely edible Torpedo Scad.
Update: It was very tasty actually as prepared by Yoko !

Happy 6th BirthDay Brandon!

A superb south pacific cake with corals & fish !

The damage done...mmmmmmmm

Indi doing peek-a-boooo.

Princess birthday party on Yanutha !

A Princesa Natalia.

The Cake !!!

Princess Pele and princess Joana.....and princess Arisha.

Games.......yep, it's Easter.

Collecting baby hermit crabs/shells.

Yanutha ferry is leaving !

Last call.....!

Aaall aboooaaard !

Noah hangin ten...

Tui & Sandy tying the knot!